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Setting the standard for a more secure and trustworthy Internet

< 1 min read

The final report of the IGF’s Pilot Project in 2018-19 entitled Setting the standard for a more secure and trustworthy Internet explained the reasons for the slow and limited deployment of these standards, and identified the key decision-takers in society that as points of pressure would be able to accelerate the processes of deployment globally.

In January 2019, the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) of the global Internet
Governance Forum (IGF) decided to allow for a pilot project with a clear goal: can the IGF
assist in finding recommendations and potential solutions for a long-running, complex
internet governance issue? The topic of choice: the implementation or deployment of
internet standards. Standards that after deployment make the internet more secure and
safer for all users around the globe. Standards that exist for years, even decades, but are not
massively deployed. What are the reasons for non-deployment? What are the solutions,
ways forward and which stakeholders have to play a role in making deployment a reality?
Questions that this report sought and found answers for.

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