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Internet Standards, Security and Safety Coalition (IS3C)

At the IGF in Katowice, the Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety announced its name change into Internet Standards, Security and Safety Coalition (IS3C). It remains an IGF Dynamic Coalition that brings together key stakeholders from the technical community, civil society, government policymakers, regulators, and corporate and individual adopters, with the shared goal of making online activity and interaction more secure and safer by achieving more widespread and rapid deployment of existing security-related Internet standards and ICT best practices.

Over 2,000 Subscribers
Completed Reports

Recommendation REPORTS

On the supply side, the Report recommended leaders in the ICT and Internet industry should integrate security-enhancing standards and best practice in their products and services.

Stakeholder Engagement


The IS3C multistakeholder coalition aims to ensure that standards and best practices play their full role in addressing these cybersecurity challenges through establishing the conditions rivate sectors.

Active Groups


The IS3C has established a work programme that i) brings the critical security supply and demand factors together; and ii) proposes the best options for the deployment of key standards and best practices on both sides, in the form of policy recommendations and practical guidance

Making the Internet more secure and safer

The IS3C multistakeholder coalition aims to ensure that standards and best practices play their full role in addressing these cybersecurity challenges through establishing the conditions for their wider, more effective and more rapid adoption by key decision-takers throughout the supply chain in both the public and private sectors

Establishment of IS3C working groups in the first phase of its workplan

WG 5 Mission Statement | January 2023

IS3C provides decision-takers and procurement officers involved in ICTs procurement with a list containing the most urgent internet standards and related best practices. This assists them to take into account internet security and safety requirements and procure secure by design ICT products, services and devices, making their organisations as a whole more secure and safer.

WG 6 Mission Statement | January 2023

The Working Group’s chair is Louise Marie Hurel. The work is supported by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government

WG4: Communication

The Communication WG has the Chair: Raymond Mamattah (President of E-Governance and Internet Governance Foundation for Africa - EGIGFA, Ghana) and Vice-chair: Olévié Kouami (Directeur général chez Le FA de la Téranga, Senegal) . This is to help the IS3C with its communication strategies in order to help make all the communication activities of coalition official. Its purpose is to create and manage the various communication channels of the coalition such as creation of a website, email, social media handles etc.

Sub-group on Internet of Things – Mission Statement | June 2021

The document outlines the sub-group's aim of (a) reviewing current security-related IoT initiatives and practices worldwide, and (b) developing a coherent package of global recommendations and guidance for embedding security by design in the development of IoT devices and applications. The report will include the outcome of research questions shared globally.

WG 2 Mission Statement | June 2021

The document describes the group's focus on examining how tertiary educational curricula at all levels need to adapt to ensure that school and college-leavers are equipped with sufficient knowledge and understanding of how deploying security-related standards helps individuals and businesses be secure and safe in the digital economy. The group intends to develop recommendations and guidance in this regard.

WG 3 Mission Statement | June 2021

The document outlines the group's goal of developing actionable and practicable policy recommendations and guidance to ensure that public sector procurement and private sector supply chain best practice and related professional training takes into account Internet security and safety requirements.

Our Donors, Supporters & PARTNERS

Contributions from all stakeholders are welcome, including in-kind donations. The Coalition is grateful to IGF Trust Fund donors, listed below in order of the size of their total contribution since 2021.

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