The Internet Standards, Security and Safety Dynamic Coalition (IS3C) was launched during the virtual Internet Governance Forum in 2020 with the aim of bringing together expert stakeholders from the technical community, civil society, government policymakers,
regulators, and corporate and individual adopters, with the shared goal of making online activity more secure and safer by achieving more widespread and rapid deployment of existing security-related Internet standards and ICT best practices.
Nine working groups have been created since 2020 to take forward the coalition’s work in analysing existing policies worldwide and researching the challenges and barriers relating to the deployment of security-related Internet standards. In the past two years IS3C has
published three reports: on education and skills in tertiary cybersecurity education (2022); security by design and the Internet of Things (2023); and public sector procurement of ICTs (2023). IS3C has also published a tool containing the most important cybersecurity
standards (2023).