The aim of Working Group 3 (WG3) is to develop policy recommendations and guidelines relating to the procurement of digital technologies in particular in the public sector and supply chain management decisions in the private sector. The overall aim is to ensure procurement best practice takes fully into account Internet security and safety requirements with reference to key security standards, and that this knowledge and practice is included in procurement training.
WG3’s outputs on procurement and supply chain management are therefore expected to be a major contribution to achieving the IS3C’s primary goal to make the Internet more secure and safer by being a major driver for more effective and widespread implementation of key security standards and related best practice. WG3 published its charter and mission statement in June 2021 which is accessible at This explains its objectives, projected outcomes, key tasks, and timeframe for its work plan for developing its outcomes which are summarized in the following table.
The WG3 work plan consists of two sequential phases of activity: issue mapping and policy guidance, supported by continuous outreach and strategic engagement for securing the necessary inputs from 10 relevant experts and stakeholders. The overall objective of the first two phases is to develop policy recommendations and guidelines for dissemination in the third phase to public sector procurement agencies and supply chain managers in business and the tech sector. Phase I: Issue mapping (2021-22) In its first phase of the work, WG3 has been identifying existing guidance for policy makers in a variety of contexts relevant to the procurement of digital technologies, with the aim of identifying: 1. common elements of best practice; 2. shared problems barriers; 3. global and Global South applicability. A comprehensive overview of current guidance and best practice has been drawn up in a matrix of existing resources broken down by geographical region, institution and sector, and by products and services Phase II: Guidance and recommendations (2022-23) Analysis of the background research conducted in the initial phase will inform the second phase of work to develop policy recommendations and resources for decision-makers such as guidelines, toolkits and checklists. These outputs will also help to promote awareness of existing initiatives, processes and best practice which will be described in an accompanying background report. Phase III: Outreach and participation The third phase of WG3’s work will build on the networking with stakeholders in the first two phases with the aim of identifying key contacts amongst decision takers and influencers in the public sector procurement and supply chain management in all geographical regions. This work will provide the basis for dissemination of IS3C’s recommendations and guidance on procurement and supply chain management. Consideration will also be given to using the IGF’s global network and the IS3C members’ stakeholder networks to assist in awareness raising, establishing sector liaisons worldwide and identifying regional distribution channels for the working group’s outputs.