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Janice Richardson

Education/private sector

Janice Richardson is Founder-Director of Insight SA, initially set up to assist the Luxembourg government in implementing its nationwide eStrategy. Insight is a network of international experts working together to research, develop and implement educational programmes in a multi-stakeholder approach to foster informed, secure use of technology by all sectors of the population.

Janice Richardson is Founder-Director of Insight SA, initially set up to assist the Luxembourg government in implementing its nationwide eStrategy. Insight is a network of international experts working together to research, develop and implement educational programmes in a multi-stakeholder approach to foster informed, secure use of technology by all sectors of the population. Janice was a Founder of Safer Internet Day, nowadays celebrated in more than 160 countries worldwide, and, as a consultant to European Schoolnet from 2004-16, supported the creation and coordination of the European Commission’s 31-country Safer Internet Network (Insafe) network and its ENABLE anti-bullying network. Since its creation, Janice and the Insight team has worked with major international organisations including the Council of Europe, UNESCO, ITU and UNICEF as  well as leading tech companies such as Meta, Instagram, Twitter, Microsoft, Google, Vodafone and Huawei.

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