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IS3C Working Group 5 report and lisT PUBLISHED

On 4 December 2023 UN IGF Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety (IS3C) published a procurement tool to advance the deployment of security-related Internet standards and ICT best practices: the ‘Checklist of Internet standards for secure communications’.

This list contains the most relevant and critical Internet standards that will assist decision-takers and procurement offices to procure ICT products, devices and services secure by design.

The list was compiled by a multistakeholder advisory panel of independent experts from around the world. It is based on four criteria: interoperability; security relate; open process and; proven track record. It contains the 23 most critical and relevant standards, e.g. DNSSEC, OWASP top 10, RPKI, any organisation should require to be integrated in the design of ICT products, services and devices, to pro-actively close numerous attack vectors in their and other organisations’ ICTs. An open consultation process was an integral part of this project.

The IS3C Working Group 5 report and list are available here: https://is3coalition.org/docs/is3c-working-group-5-report-and-list/

The list adds to the IS3C Working Group 3 research report on public and private procurement that was released at the IGF in Kyoto. Both reports have been made possible by a grant of the RIPE NCC Community Projects Fund.

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