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The UN Internet Governance Forum’s Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety Coalition (IS3C) was launched at the virtual IGF in 2020. Its goal is both simple and complex: to achieve the widespread, rapid deployment of existing, security-related Internet standards and relevant ICT good practices in order to make online activity and interaction more secure and safer. In just three years this multistakeholder coalition of experts has grown to comprise eight working groups, with remits to produce reports, recommendations, guidelines and toolkits that will contribute to making the digital world more secure and safer. You can read here what was achieved and learn of our plans for 2024 and beyond, including the development of an IGF Cybersecurity Hub which will bring industry and tertiary cyber security education representatives together to collaborate in addressing gaps in professional cybersecurity skills.

Read more of the report via https://is3coalition.org/docs/is3c-achievements-and-plans/

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