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IGF DC IS3C announces at IGF 2024 its Four Point ACTION Plan for Cybersecurity Cooperation and Capacity Building

  • Establishing a global Cybersecurity Hub as an online forum for experts from the technology and education sectors to increase cybersecurity skills content in school curricula and professional training programmes.
  • Recommendations for security best practice in the internet of things and postquantum cryptography, supported by capacity building training programmes.
  • Rolling out a toolkit for public and private procurement agencies that specify how contracts with suppliers should build in specific security requirements for devices and network services.
  • Defining the potential role of consumer protection organisations in the security of users’ devices and network applications.

The Internet Standards, Security and Safety Coalition’s ground-breaking research has identified best practices and developed toolkits for policymakers and decision takers that support security by design in the roll out of IoT deployment. It has also conducted research on skills gaps in tertiary educational curricula relating to cybersecurity standards, and reported on how procurement contracts can drive the implementation of security standards. IS3C has also published a list of key cybersecurity standards and provided arguments in favour of internet standards deployment, e.g. the DNSSEC and RPKI protocols.

In line with the goals of the UN Global Digital Compact, IS3C’s four point action plan for its next phase of work in 2025-26 will focus on capacity building and sustainable development in all the world’s regions, emerging technologies – commencing with a project on post-quantum cryptography – and consumer protection.

IS3C’s coordinator Wout de Natris and the coalition’s team leaders will meet and present this action plan at the UN Internet Governance Forum in Riyadh on 15-19 December 2024. Please join us in person in Riyadh or online at the following hybrid IS3C sessions and events and learn how you can contribute as an IS3C member to achieving the coalition’s mission to make the internet more secure and safer.

➢ Sunday 15 December: IS3C’s session #35 at 14.45-16.15 in Workshop Room 1.
➢ Tuesday 17 December: IS3C Cybersecurity Hub presentation at 12.30-13.00 at the Dynamic Coalitions Booth in the IGF Village.
➢ Wednesday 18 December: IS3C’s General Meeting at 14.00-15.30 in Bilateral Room 20.
➢ Thursday 19 December: IS3C/DC-IoT joint session at 11.15-12.15 in Workshop Room 3.
https://www.intgovforum.org/en/content/internet-standards-security-and-safety-coalitionis3c and https://is3coalition.org/ or contact info@is3coalition.org

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