IGF DC IS3C announces at IGF 2024 its Four Point ACTION Plan for Cybersecurity Cooperation and Capacity Building
The Internet Standards, Security and Safety Coalition’s ground-breaking research has identified best practices and developed
The Internet Standards, Security and Safety Coalition’s ground-breaking research has identified best practices and developed
IS3C’s contribution to the MAG-DC intersessional meeting On Wednesday 26 June the second Open Consultation
On 4 December 2023 UN IGF Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety (IS3C)
The UN Internet Governance Forum’s Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety Coalition (IS3C)
In September all IS3C Working Groups organise a public meeting in which information is shared
This working group focuses on outreach and engagement efforts to increase trust in, and contribute
At EuroDIG IS3C WG 2 on Education and Skills chair Janice Richardson and NASK’s Julia
Dear colleagues, You are kindly invited to assist in a global research project into this